Terms - What Does This Mean?
Explanations for some of the more complex Terms and Conditions of trading.
~Printer Friendly Version of our T and C's
~Customers right to cancel (or cooling off period)
~Placing an order with White Dog Motorcycle Accessories
~Payment terms
~The dreaded VAT
~Prices, pictures and copyright
~Order shortages and carrier damage
~Returns, exchanges, refunds and warranty claims (after the cancellation period)
~Responsibility for fitment and liability
~Privacy policy
~Cookie information (yum yum!!)
Customers right to cancel (also known as a cooling off period)
Under the current distance selling regulations, consumers (customers) have to be given a certain amount of time to cancel any orders placed for goods or services.
This regulation was brought into force to protect customers from 'high pressure' sales tactics, especially telesales tactics, used by many companies (you know the type of calls, 'our fantastic offer for insurance against something that will never happen to you is valid for today only..................'),.
So, if you do place an order with us then change your mind, for whatever reason, within 60 days of your order being delivered, we will cancel the order (at your request) and refund your payment in full.
All we ask is that you let us know by either email or writing (see our location page for our address) and return the item(s) we sent to you in a re-saleable condition (which means new and unused condition) within 14 days of cancellation.
Placing an order with White Dog Motorcycle Accessories
What does this bit mean and how does it effect your rights? Basically it doesn't effect you. This is a bit of legal mumbo jumbo inserted to cover our own backsides incase we incorrectly price an item on our website.
For example, if we put an exhaust system on our website that should be £250, but we accidentally price it at £2.50, this part of the terms and conditions means we aren't legally obliged to supply the item to you for £2.50.
'White Dog Motorcycle Accessories reserve the right to refuse or reject any order placed by a customer without issuing a reason'
This part basically means that if we suspect that a payment method (e.g. credit card or PayPal account) has been used fraudulently to pay for goods, we will automatically void or refund the payment.
Payment terms
Basically, the methods of payment you can use for goods are:
On our website - Credit or debit card through PayPal (except e-cheque's).
In our shop - Cold, hard cash is the only method of payment we accept!
The dreaded VAT
Happily, we are NOT a VAT registered business so you don't have to pay any VAT when you shop with us :-)
Language, prices and pictures
We are constantly updating our website, but, sometimes, item specifications and prices may change, so, just because the item is a certain price or make now, doesn't mean it will be the same in a months time!
Occasionally, we do have problems with other website's and 3rd parties (like shopping comparison sites etc) scraping content from our site and displaying the prices incorrectly. The prices on our website are final, we don't discount or price match for other peoples/website's mistakes (most of these type of site's scrape the content without our knowledge or consent anyway)!
Although we are very careful with the images we take or use on our website, sometimes, there may be slight variations on the colour's and details of some items.
Hotlinking, bandwidth and image theft- We spend alot of time preparing and maintaining the images and text we use and we do not appreciate other business's, blog's or information website's linking to and/or using our images and text.
If you are think of taking or hot linking to the images or copying the text we have on our website so that you can sell the items on your website, Ebay or other selling area, please bear in mind that we charge £100 per week, per image for the use of the images or text or £170 per week, per image for images directly or indirectly linked (or hotlinked) from our website.
You have been warned.............
Images on our website that are linked to without permission may be exchanged for pornographic or offensive images (this especially applies to Ebay listings).
English language: At White Dog Motorcycle Accessories, we are fluent in 2 languages, English and bad English. Because of this, our website and the products we sell are in English. If you don't speak English, please get a friend who does to translate for you!!
Order shortages and carrier damage
It's common sense really, but, in the unlikely event of our couriers damaging your item in transit, or something incorrect or missing from your order, don't hang about, contact us straight away so we can sort any problems out.
Returns, exchanges, refunds and warranty claims (after the cancellation period)
We have different policies depending on the reason for return, but, the following points cover all returns:
~The only items we cannot accept for return are specially made or imported items. Any items not eligible for return are clearly marked in our catalogue. Any items which are only eligible for exchange or are exempt from any cancellation period (for example DVD's) are clearly marked in our catalogue.
~It's the customers responsibility to return items to us.
It costs us over £20 to get an item picked up by courier so we do insist customers return items to us.
~Under no circumstances can we refund more than the original order value (so if you paid £25 for an item, we can only refund up to £25) and we can only refund by the original method of payment (so if you paid by credit card, we cannot refund you in cash)
~Where product warranties and guarantees are concerned, we will only offer a replacement item, so no, you can't use an item for 6 months then send it back for a refund!
The links below are for more information about returning items to us:
Our full returns policy be found here...
Info about returning items to us can be found here....
Responsibility for fitment and liability
This one really is down to common sense. If your changing the brake pads on your 170mph Superbike, but you don't know the difference between a spanner and a screwdriver, get someone who knows about it to help you or get your local bike dealer to do it for you.
This term also covers us if our couriers are late delivering your item or lose your item. Basically, it means we are only liable for the cost of the item(s) you ordered, we aren't liable for your days off work, loss of sex drive, marriage breaking up etc.
Privacy policy
The only details we ask our customers for are details that are necessary for us to process a customers order or enquiry.
The only details we give out are to other companies who help us process a customers order or enquiry (e.g. we have to give your address details to our courier company so they can deliver your items)
We never give out any customer details to any 3rd parties/companies who are not essential to the process of completing an order or enquiry.
Cookie information
Cookies are small biscuit like sweet snacks, often made with chocolate and nuts. We at WhiteDogBikes LOVE cookies!!
However, cookies are also small information files that are stored in a computer when someone visits a website.
Cookies can be used to store a wide variety of information.
Our website uses cookies for:
- Login information (so your computer remembers if you've logged into an area of this site or not)
- Tracking visitors as they enter and navigate through a website (this information helps us improve our site)
- Our shopping cart program uses cookies to store information about items you have added to your basket and items you have recently viewed
Cookies in no way give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us (for example when you email us or complete the checkout). More info about cookies.....
We spend alot of time making sure our website is created and maintained to a high standard. However, although we are careful about the other website's, pages and/or articles we link to from our website, these other website's are run and maintained by other individuals and/or companies and we don't have any influence on there design or content. If you think we may have linked to a website that has dubious content, please email us to let us know.
Card and identity thieves, scammers and the like are amongst the lowest forms of scum on the planet and we strongly suggest that if you are one of these people and you are thinking of using your nicked card details etc on this website you hit 'Back' on your browser and try another company............................
Links and Sites of interest
The links below are for information about regulations that govern the sale of goods and communication online
Distance Selling Regulations
Information about the Sale of Goods Act
Data Protection Act
The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations

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