Well, it’s been a fair few years but Rock Oil are updating some of the labels in their motorcycle oil range to reflect the immense amount of development and race testing that has gone into the Rock Oil range!
The pics below show 4 of the new labels against their older label counterparts…..
Rock Oil Synthesis 2 Racing 2 stroke premix:

The racers favorite, Rock Oil Guardian Motorcycle 10w40 (semi synthetic):

Probably the most noticeable change in the range, Rock Oil Motorcycle 10/40 semi-synthetic:

And Rock Oil Synthesis 2 Injector fully synthetic 2T oil:

Our thoughts on the new labels…..
Well, the new labels defiantly give the oil range a more modern look and the Rock Motorcycle 10w40 looks less like a lawnmower oil now it’s in a silver bottle (for those that don’t know, green Rock Oil bottles are mineral/low spec oil, silver bottles are semi-synthetic and gold bottles are fully synthetic!).
The only slight (very minor!) gripes we have with the new labels are:
- Synthesis 2 Racing premix – We sell LOADS of this oil to owners of older Vespa’s and Lambretta’s (mainly because S2R is one of the few oils that stop the engine blowing up every 10 miles!). Not too sure how the owners will get on with an MX bike on the front of their bottles of scooter oil (but, we have heard Rock are doing a separate label for S2R with a scooter on it?)
- Motorcycle 10w40 and Guardian 10w40 – The labels look very similar. Apart from the fact it’s very easy to pick the wrong one off the shelf when were busy, the new labels also make the oils look like a similar spec. Guardian 10/40 is a much HIGHER spec oil (made from mainly group 1 bases) and although Motorcycle 10/40 is still a good oil, it is made from lower (group 3) base stocks and is a much lower spec oil!
Still, the new labels are very good, now comes the mind numbingly long and boring task (for us!) of photographing, cropping and editing the new bottles for our website!!
If you’ve got an opinion about the new labels, please leave a comment below…..
Thanks to…..
TR Distribution for the information
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